the manifesto

Monday, September 25, 2006

Gosh You don’t know what the fuck just happened to me. I have this fantastic post that I finished typing, all nice and pretty, and the stupid thing just WON’T publish!!!! WTF, is it because I don’t pay for the service. You lousy thing, no gems for you.

Now I hafta remember what I typed just now. It’s something about how I got stuck with library shift today when I’m supposed to be having dinner in town and how over the weekends I was so annoyed by this whole business about someone’s childish behavior.

Yah now I’m sufficiently convinced that I won’t get my last post back so I’m typing on MSword to avoid being cheated again, by the same damn server, or whatever you call it.

Anywae I was annoyed because (shit I should censor this) *tooooot* (sorri I shouldn’t bitch about people again for fear or reciprocation, which I’m sure had paid off on me several times)

Weeellll, all I can say is that people in this world CHANGE. If you don’ change you probably belong to another universe. It’s such a given, So LIVE WIF IT. And people grow up to move on to better (or worse) things and no one wants to go back to being that same goofy, nervous teenager. At least not me, but there may be some psychos around.

I’m losing faith in people, no actually I mean the human capacity to care outside your immediate love circle.

And the next post will be great, i mean greater..


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