the manifesto

Monday, October 16, 2006

I burned the weekends on shoots, 2 whole days. it feels like i didn't have a weekend. But I'm glad its all over and we seem to be the only group on track to a fantastic program that will sweep the angmoh off his feet. !Yesh!

But it's a super packed week ahead and i'm cleverly trying to avoid doing more work than i can get away with. So it's dodge man.

WEll...i'm still aching from the filming and that's a bad sign. either i'm weak or i'm like WEAK. damn, life's hard and next time i'll be grinding myself to the bones doing production. man how can someone of my IQ take that man. I should really find a nice rich husband soon and save myself. Don't think i'm joking, can't you feel the dead pan sombreity of my words.

You know what i need - A new best fren and a couple of drinks. I dun wanna go crazy. I'm hooked on some virtual reality game where i'm this character trying to manage her life and i'm sick of being an "accomplished, RECLUSIVE, lawyer".

what the hell, I can't even find someone to go the the movies with me. isn't that pathetic. Think i can afford to lose some frens man.

Anyway these are my productions kakis and we're trying to be secondary kids. haha.


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